Macarena Rojas Guiterez, AIUTA GB Member and Director U3A Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Santiago de Chile, Chile introduced the panel of experts and spoke on the pandemic situation in Chile with U3As. Dr Raul Sales Torres, Professor programa de Adulto Mayores, Merida U3A did a presentation on « Que nos cambia el Covid19 »to the First International Congress on « Covid19 and U3As » October 29th in Jerica and Quito. Dr Fernando Guerrero Bermudez, Presidente de la U3A Aula Senior Cidehush de Quito, Ecuador did the presentation on « El metodo hoslosergetico como sistema de aprendizaje en tiempo de Covid19 ». Dr Nieves Martinez Tarazona, Jerica U3A and Dr Manuel Lillo Crespo, Professor de la Facultad de Ciencas de la salud, Director of the Permanent University de Alicante spoke on the Covid19 impact in Spain.