12 Russian regions, Kazakhastan, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Lithuania, Mongolia, Poland, Romania join U Online Congress on « Collaboration and Friendship in Education for All Ages '' with Olga Subanova and presentations from Prof. François Vellas AIUTA President, Charles Afolabi, President U3A (Nigeria), Wang Younong, Director Liaison Department CAUA (China) AIUTA GB members, Thomas Kuan, President U3A Singapore and representatives from Australia, Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany. Wang Younong presented the research initiative on the U3As Dictionary : « Systematic research activities. In a span of 36 years, 158 U3A monographs have been published, in addition to some 400 exchange materials. We have held 13 national seminars. Discipline development has also been put into operation, as indicated by the publishing of Elderly Pedagogy, the U3A Dictionary ».