april 2022

Artur Horbovyy, President Clepsydra Ukraine Association of U3As (on line) and Alina Khaletskaya, Vice President Clepsydra (on site in Athens) spoke to AIUTA Governing Board members in Athens on war U3As situation in Ukraine. On initiative Livio Zerbini, Ferrara U3A Italy, AIUTA GB adopted a declaration of solidarity to Ukraine U3As rejecting war and aggression. AIUTA will support 3 initiatives to help Ukrainian U3As with solidarity regions by regions and U3As by U3As between World U3As and Ukrainian U3As and will organise stay from senior refugees from Ukraine.

Athens Declaration, cradle of democracy, against war
AIUTA - International Association of Third Age Universities -Repudiates war and all forms of prevarication and supports dialogue, mutual knowledge and cultural sharing and collective memories, founding values of our civilization.