november 2023

Delegates from Universities of Spain came and did presentations to both AIUTA GB and PUC Congress on U3As and Rights of Older Persons. Marian Alisson Carbonell, President Spanish U3As National Association and AIUTA GB Member share Alicante U3A experience with participants on European Erasmus+ Programs. Matilde Garcia Sanchez, Director U3A La Corona with Nancy Vasquez Vega Vice Rector and Susana Iglesia Antelo spoke on new life long learning development in Galicia Spain. Ana Munoz, Director U3A Valencia Polytechnic University spoke with Vice Rector Salome Cuesta on Valencia experiences with Rosa Puchada. Prof François Vellas shared with Juan Lirio Director U3A program on Castilla la Mancha innovations on lifelong learning programs. Participation from Spanish U3As will provide a fundamental contribution to develop AIUTA cooperation with South American U3As thanks to Chile PUC congress.