His Excellency Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory, President of the Republic of Mauritius officially opened the International Conference of AIUTA and U3AM at the University of Mauritius on Friday, November 23, 2018 with Mr Ramduth Jaddoo, President of the Advisory Council of Mauritius. the University of the Third Age of Mauritius, Bishop Gerald James Ian Ernest, Anglican Archbishop of the Indian Ocean, Mr Cassam Uteem, Former President of the Republic of Mauritius and participated in the graduation ceremony with Professor Armoogum Parsuramen, President and Founder of the University of the Third Age of Mauritius, Professor François Vellas, President of AIUTA, Mr. Lin Yuan 1st Vice-President of AIUTA and all the delegates of the Universities of the Third Age of the AIUTA as well as that the members of the University of the Third Age of Mauritius.